It's not the individual technology components that sets W/:\RP apart from the competition, but rather the interconnected nature of our platforms.
At W/:\RP, we focus on building a product suite that adds efficiency and peace of mind to your freight. This includes intricate routing that ables to facilitate co-loading and optimizes for the last-in, first-out nature of freight consolidation.
W/:\RP's proprietary sortation technology gives us unmatched visibility into what is currently at the cross-dock and facilitate scan-in and scan-out events for minute-by-minute tracking.
All of our technology, from our TMS and IMS, combined with the additional products below, give shippers exactly what they have been requesting for the past few decades: unmatched visibility and service.
Using a small tag that can be applied directly to a box or pallet within a shipment, real-time temperature monitoring of fresh freight is available directly in the WARP platform. Even if goods change trucks or carriers three different times during a shipment’s route, the same tag remains with the load throughout the entire journey giving shippers insight into temperature data from origin to destination.
At W/:\RP, we use the most advanced tracking technology to keep track of your pallets at a W/:\RP cross-dock facility. We provide real-time updates as your freight is scanned into our facility, loaded on truck, and departed for it's destination. We eliminate the need for time-consuming phone calls and emails to get an update on your freight.
GPS location via latitude and longitude has been table stakes in last-mile logistics for several years now. But freight has been far behind. Typically a shipper only receives updates about the whereabouts of their shipment when it leaves a facility and when it arrives (static events). W/:\RP is bringing real time location updates to the movement of goods throughout the shipment’s entire journey as part of their fully managed solution. Shippers using W/:\RP receive this information at no additional cost as part of the W/:\RP portal.
Through an API integration with TruckerCloud, W/:\RP has aggregated information from over the top 30 leading ELD platforms. With information from a carrier about what vehicle they are using in their fleet, W/:\RP can provide shippers with driving activity such as engine hours, ignition status, GPS location, and miles driven.
Normally a freight provider's services end when the shipment is injected into a last-mile carrier. W/:\RP enables shippers with visibility on not only a pallet or truck-level, but now individual parcels as well, with select last-mile carriers. With this integration, shippers will have greater insight and control into their freight’s entire journey from warehouse to the end consumer.
W/:\RP’s driver app provides shippers with the exact location of where their load is along the expected route. Statistics including how long a driver took to complete a route, delays, and expected delivery time based on location. This information helps shippers communicate better with their logistics team and equips them with a clearer picture of where their freight is.